Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas Dinner

I was starting to think I had hit the bottom of the gene pool with some of the customers at work today. Overall it wasn't a bad day though. It was steady and then just died right off so I was allowed to go home early. As much as I liked the money I was making it was nice to go home and just relax. Made all my phone calls so I could enjoy the evening.

Dawn brought me in a case of Coke. The turkey wasn't done in time so she went with the second option. It was pretty sweet. Bribery works well in my books. *lol* And since it was Christmas Day I gave all my agents a break. I was there to help them if they needed it but wasn't doing any call evaluations. Same with tomorrow. The three hours of coaching time goes by pretty quick any ways. I can always find other things to do.

No turkey for me this year. But I did have a roast for dinner, along with parmesan noodles, broccoli and cauliflower. I also had mozza sticks before that. Had to test out the deep fryer and all. Then watched Bourne Ultimatium to relax. Back to work tomorrow and I expect it will be insane with people that didn't realize we were open today... and people that were busy today.

Still trying to decide what to do with my incentive... and Christmas money. My DVD box sets are pretty much covered by trade-ins at Blockbuster. I keep thinking about computer parts but they're all expensive. I'm basically going to be building a new system but it's not a cheap endeavour. So we'll see... still weighing my options. Likely going to hold off for a while until I can get everything I need.

Now that I spent an hour looking at useless crap on eBay it's about time I head off to bed. So it's off to dreamland I go.

1 comment:

  1. You eat cauliflower - now there's a fact I didn't know. See ya Wedesday.
