Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Family Christmas

Finally had a family Christmas. I was starting to feel pretty lonely hearing everyone else talk about where they went for Christmas. Suzanne, Dave and Annika got here just after noon. Looks like they had better like finding the place then UPS did but any ways. Gave them the grand tour since it takes about 30 seconds. Annika was trying to make friends with Azrael. That didn't go quite as well. He wasn't sure what to think. He's never really been aound kids. From Annika I got a crystal cube with a dolphin image inside. Once I have AAA batteries it will light up. Not sure where to put it though. Don't want Azrael knocking it over. From Suzanne and Dave I got a Coke box that looks like a vending machine. They filled it with chocoloate so if anyone wonders why I have so much energy when I am at work next... too much chocolate *lol*

We all went out for a late lunch with mom before she had to go to work. It was the first time we had all been together in quite some time. I think the last time I saw Suzanne and Dave was last Christmas. It was a pretty short visit since mom had to be at work for 4:30 and Suzanne and Dave didn't want to be driving home in freezing rain. But it was nice to see them again and spend some time with family. Leaves me enough time to get my errands done as well.

I also talked to dad for quite a while today. When he called earlier today I wasn't exactly awake. I hadn't had any caffeine yet so I really didn't have much to say. I called him back this evening and it was a nice conversation. I hadn't really talked to him in quite some time since calling someone after being on the phones so much during the day just isn't what I want to do. Overall it was basically a family day. Going to run my errands shortly and then relax for the remainder of the evening... I think any ways. We'll see how that plan goes.

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