Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Gripes From Work

I was thinking about recent events from work abd how when change happens you see people's true colours. Their personalities really shine through. As a performance coach the day used to be a 60/40 split... coaching for 60% of the day and then taking calls for 40%. Our mandates changed and, as a result, those numbers were reversed. My only concern has been about time management and being able to get everything done. I definitely feel more pressure now. It can be hard to get the evaluations on calls done with less time. Some days it really does feel like a narrow window and not all of my agents are available during that time. But I have adapted and come in early if necessary. The hard part for me mainly comes when I also have to juggle the evaluations on agents in training and helping out other performance coaches. I will freely admit that some days I feel a little overwhelmed.

There seems to be a real backlash from other performance coaches. Some have been on a silent protest while others haven't been so silent about it. Then I heard that with the new changes our scorecard (monthly performance review) may be based solely on the individual instead of the team effort. And as one performance coach stated, "What incentive is there to help the team develop?" I suppose if your only motivation for helping the team is the financial side of things then that incentive is no longer there. I have also heard repeatedly that the performance coaches don't want anyone to be a hero and show that they can do the job in the reduced time. So what... slack off and do a half assed job and hope management changes their mind?

That is not in me to do. As you can probably tell I don't agree with the sentiments of my colleagues. It's not about the money for me. Change happens... deal with it. I think too many people have lost sight of the reason we are performance coaches. We are here to help the agents and to develop them. Without the agents we would not have a job. How can we help them improve? What do they need? It's not about us... it's about them. Don't take it out on the agents. The changes had nothing to do with them yet they are the ones being punished when we bitch about the reduced time and play the role of "poor me." I'm not a hero but I am also not trying to prove a point by slacking off. I feel much better now that I've got that off my chest.


1 comment:

  1. Knowing you... you're never done venting *lol*

    I still think that performance coaches are taking it out on their agents and that is not fair to them. Yes there are things I would like changed since I do find it hard to get NAT aces done while still have time for my own team but that is still a relatively minor issue. Aside from an agent not being there to ace I haven't had a problem hitting my mandate so overall I'm not sure what the big deal is. It's about adapting to the needs of the business.
