Thursday, December 29, 2005

Long Day

It's only 8:45 p.m. but it still feels like a long day. I had to run all the errands today that I didn't get to yesterday. The stores were all crowded and I started to feel claustrophobic. I am not a big fan of shopping to begin with. And I seemed to be batting 1000%. Seems like everything I wanted was not in stock at any store. I'm the kind of person that likes to do one stop shopping when possible... not be at every store looking for a better deal then end up back at the first store any ways. The highlight of the day so far was the chiropractor. At least now my back is in place and not hurting as much.

Pretty soon I'll be formatting my computer once again... seems to be a monthly occurance at the moment. I am too lazy to troubleshoot it. Applications keep quitting on me and I seem to be getting a blue screen periodically. Since my files are on a different drive I might as well just erase it and start over. Less aggravation that way. Time for me to get that done so I am not still installing applications at 2:00 a.m.


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