Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays! :o)

Now that I've said that it's almost time for the bah humbug speech... or at least that is way some people are going to see it. There was a time when I wanted to spend Christmas surrounded by friends and family just to build my self worth. But these days I don't feel the need for that. I am okay with who I am and would rather just be left alone, for the most part. I'm enjoying the peace and quiet of the place to myself... no extraneous noise... just me and Azrael. But I wouldn't have it any other way.

I'll be spending both Christmas Day and Boxing Day at work Good thing I just have to crawl out of bed and go downstairs. Makes it so much easier *lol* And I don't mind. Sure it will be insane but I'm not going to complain for $30 an hour. I wasn't going to be seeing my family any ways so why not make some extra cash?

I hope you all enjoy yor holiday season and spend it the way you want to, whether that be surrounded by those people you care about or alone.


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