Thursday, December 15, 2005

New Beginnings

Maybe it really is time for new beginnings. Today has been one of those days.... Actually this entire week has just been strange. It all started with the flu. Was off work for a few days which is never good. Starting to think maybe I should do something with Chaord Studios. I've got a few DVDs created now... just haven't been motivated to actually make something of it. I keep holding myself back.

Thinking back to the trials and tribulations of this past year... there have been more then a few. Kicked off 2005 with a bang and it steadily went downhill from there. Remind me never to say that things couldn't get any worse. On the up side I do have a roof over my head, and I am still employed. Over all I do love my job... some days more then others.

During my forced vacation I really got to thinking about something Chris said to me. She asked me how long I was going to pay penance for things I couldn't control. I overanalyze things (what a surprise *lol*) and become my own worst enemy. I'm still trying to atone but no matter what I do I don't feel at peace. Maybe one of these days I'll finally decide to just let go and be free... But that's why I said it's about new beginnings. It's time to start over... wipe the slate clean. That's what I am hoping for with the new year just around the corner.

1 comment:

  1. I've come to feel that peace is related to your own accemptance of yourself. I have up and down days...days that I feel okay and other days that I am driven by the 'demons' of the past - some of them we share. We'll make it.
