Saturday, January 07, 2006

Does This Look Infected?

All week I've been battling an ingrown toenail. I get them frequently. The nail never seems to grow properly. at one point my family doctor was thinking about removing the nail completely but I didn't like that option. Maybe after this week I'll reconsider. It became infected so I was trying to drain it, let it heal. But I couldn't seem to get it to drain. It was just extremely sensitive and causing a lot of pain. I could barely walk and it was quite painful. Since I don't have a family doctor I just about went down to the ER but really didn't want to sit there for three hours. So today I was back to the home medical care, trying to tear away some of the skin. Hope no one is eating while reading this. It worked a little too well. All of a sudden it was bleeding... left a nice trail of blood across the apartment. What kind of stain remover works on blood? I think I might soak it in a little while... see if that helps. It has stopped bleeding at least. The things you do on your day off.

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