Monday, January 02, 2006

Life in a Call Center

So the alarm goes off at 8:00 a.m. and I really don't want to get out of bed. I was my usual insomniac self last night and really didn't get much sleep. So all I want is a few more hours of shut eye. Instead I crawl out of bed and make my way downstairs to go to work. I was the poster child for the shirt that says "I'm out of bed and here, what more do you want?"

I make it to my first break and then it's coaching time. Somehow managed to get 5 aces done. I was impressed with myself. I ended up extending my coaching session by 15 minutes though so I'll likely get a slap on the wrist for that tomorrow. I was trying not to but it was hard not to.

Then it was time to go back on the phones. Well halfway through a call my headset just dies... I can hear the customer but they cannot hear me at all. So I end up disconnecting the call and spent the next 20 minutes troubleshooting my phone. Then I had to "borrow" a headset and figured I was safe since everyone was in that should be.... Apparently I was wrong. I had forgotten that Sarah was on split shifts and would be coming back in. Go figure... the headset I "borrowed" belonged to her. So she ended up not being able to take calls until I was done since there weren't any other working headsets in the area.

Good times let me tell you. Probably only entertaining for people that work in a call center and understand. I guess when I am back in tomorrow morning I'll be looking for Saviour to try and get it replaced. That was my fun for the day. Now I am home... relaxing... and enjoying my evening.

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