Sunday, January 08, 2006

Transfer Out West

I'm beginning to wonder if I should've taken the transfer out west to the call center that opened in Saskatoon. I had a number of reasons for not going... I didn't want certain people in my life to be the reason I left. I'd rather stand and fight... not that I've been doing much of that lately. I also love my team. But now that I've got two verbal warnings in one week maybe I should've gone out there. I know I dread my phone time. It's not the same as coaching face to face. I prefer the face to face interactions. I may be good at fixing computers but people that know me know I don't enjoy it. My first troubleshooting step is to format since I get frustrated easily by it. It's also hearing "US Desktop" as soon as I log in. It is my own mental block but each queue is different. I don't know anyone that has gotten away from US Desktop and been happy to come back to it. I worked hard to get away... was away from it for 9 months. Now I'm back indefinitely. I don't know how to overcome the mental side of that so it has me feeling pretty discouraged. I feel like the three years I have put in don't matter. I'd like to be put on another queue for a couple of months but I know that's not going to happen. I've put in that request previously and was turned down. So how do I change that?

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