Friday, February 17, 2006

My Second Home

Yep I was back at the ER last night. Pretty soon they are going to think I am a hypochondriac or have a factitious disorder. But for now they are doing well for stocking my medicine cabinet. After years of no doctor and no medications I currently have 5 different prescriptions sitting in the cupboard. So what prompted last night's visit? I've been avoiding the dentist for a long time now... looks like I really should have got my teeth checked out before now. The pain got so bad I was clenching my teeth all the time and making the pain worse. I was at the chiropractor's yesterday and she couldn't even unclench my jaw. I could barely eat. So in spite of the freezing rain last night I was back at the ER. At least it wasn't busy so I was only there for about 30 minutes instead of my usual 4 hours. They gave me penicillin and percocets and told me to go see a dentist.

Right now I feel like I am stoned. I'm not sure whether it's because the Fibromyalgia makes me sensitive to medication... or perhaps the fact I only weigh 90 pounds.... but the meidcation seems to be little potent. I talked to the pharmacist and she said I could cut the dose in half and see if that works. I like the pain relief... but it's actually tensing up my back and my hands are shaking.

In other news next week I will still be trying to get ahold of Dr. Caskey to fill out the medical certificate so I can get that to EI before they deny my claim. And I'll be seeing the psychiatrist and hoping that he clears me to return to work. I don't see any reason why he won't but stranger things have been known to happen. I am not suffering from depression, have the anemia under control and am being treated for the fibromyalgia. So... I should be able to go back to work and will actually be healthier then I have been in a very long time.

The chronotherapy seems to be working as well. I am definitely glad not to be doing that any longer but I am actually getting up in the morning. And for those of you that knew me years ago... since when did I get up in the morning even then? So this is kind of new for me. It's been challenging to adjust my day, especially since I am off work. I don't have a whole lot to do. Lately I've been watching some of the Olympics and just relaxing which is a good thing for me.

No words of wisdom, or deep thoughts, from me at the moment. Maybe once my brain is not in a fog and overmedicated. For now I am going to go have a shower and then start thinking about the web site I need to design.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:32 p.m.

    Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
