Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Stress as a Disease

Currently I think stress is more like a disease... it just eats away at you and winds up consuming you. The worst part is that knowing that what is currently stressing me out I can't even control, for the most part any ways. Bills are starting to pile up since 6 weeks later still no EI. But the frustration comes in that I am working days so I never get a chance to call them to find out what is going on. Then I was at the dentists today and my 100% coverage has not gone through yet. So they also want their money... same with the credit card companies... the cable company... and the list goes on. I seem to be getting further and further behind and it's really getting to me. Right now I've got $10 in the bank account, and that was only because the roommate bailed me out again. I know my tax return will be in next week but c'mon... can't anything go smoothly? Why am I still waiting for my EI? Am I ever going to get it? *Sigh*

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:32 p.m.

    Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
