Sunday, April 16, 2006

Can't Anything Go Smoothly?

I am almost starting to think that I am cursed... even the small things that shouldn't be a hassle somehow manage to become a nightmare.

Take for instance my apartment. My roommate decides to move back home (don't even get me started on that one) so I have to find an apartment. I talk to the building manager and she agrees to let me just move into a one bedroom here and my last month's rent deposit would go towards that. So far so good... until the day before the move. I have already signed up for hydro and arranged for my cable to be switched over. Since the cable guy was supposed to be there I decided to make sure the apartment was open so I wouldn't be calling the super needlessly. The apartment was a write-off and they had done nothing to get it ready for me moving in. Not to mention the fact it was a tiny apartment and would cost me quite a bit since it was not all inclusive. So suddenly it's the beginning of April and I am scrambling to find a place to live. Fortunately, that part did turn out to be easy. I still haven't called Cogeco to let them know I didn't move in to that apartment and that I am moving to a new address.

There was also my mail forwarding. I had paid the money to redirect my mail to the new apartment... the one I ended up not taking. So I went down to Canada Post to stop that. According to them it had not even been entered into the system so they just cancelled that and sent me to another Canada Post office to get my money back. Aside from driving all over Peterborough twice to get that done I thought it was easy. Turns out I was wrong. For whatever reason they actually started forwarding my mail and then it didn't seem to be delivered anywhere. I had no access to the mail at the new address and they weren't delivering anything to the old/current address. Took about a week before I started receiving mail again. Pretty good considering according to Canada Post the redirect had not even taken effect since it had not gone into the systems.

Then there is the computer. As frustrating as it was that the computer was not working I figured I'd call tech support and they would set up a replacement computer. I never thought it would end up being this much of a hassle. I also didn't think I would be as long without the computer as I will be. They were just supposed to email me the FedEx labels. I could've driven (well that is assuming I drive... but any ways) to the CR office in Markham in less time then it's taken to get those labels. They told me 24-48 hours to receive the emails. Now tell me... why does it take 24 hours to receive an email? Better question... why has it been 4 days and still no shipping label? So now I have to waste time calling back... and I'll end up speaking to at least 3 different departments in the process. And I just want a working system. Is that really too much to ask?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:32 p.m.

    Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
