Thursday, April 13, 2006

Computer Troubles

So I got my laptop at the end of March. The wait was finally over and it had arrived. That was a nice thought. 2 weeks later I had a hardware failure. :o( I did all the troubleshooting I possibly could but it couldn't be revived. So I called tech support about it (how ironic is it that a tech support agent is calling tech support). It was a bad call but at least they agreed to replace the computer. I got told I'd have the shipping labels emailed to me in 24-48 hours. Then I have to send the computer back and wait for the replacement. I'm pretty patient... but I have web sites to design, video editing to do, and my agents were using the computer for troubleshooting. So I am not too happy about that part of it. And still no labels. Why does it take longer to send an email with the labels then it does to send me a box? If I don't get the email soon it will be time to call CR and see what they can do for me. I'll get to use words like "business critical", "brand new system", "appeasement" and then I'll see what deal I can make with them. I'm all about knowing the system and working it. Wonder what I can get out of it? Faster service... software... maybe even an external hard drive... Guess we'll see if I don't get those FedEx labels tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. As evidenced by the next post... nope. Just more frustration.
