Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Living in Boxes

Okay so I am no longer in limbo. I went and saw the Talwood apartment today. It almost reminded me of my apartment back in London. There was actually a dining area and a balcony. The bedroom was bigger then the one I was looking at in my current building, not that it would take much. It felt like home. So I filled out the application and they got back to me pretty quickly. Said it would be 24 hours but I had my answer before my lunch break at work. So I can now breathe a sigh of relief. It's still going to be tough to pay but they give you a 2% discount if you pay your rent on time. And it will be cheaper then what I'd be paying here. But for now I'll be living out of boxes. There's no point in unpacking when I'll be moving in a few weeks. As soon as I pay my first month's rent (and last) I can move in. They aren't even pro-rating the rent which is a bonus. It will still be the end of the month before I have both first and last but at least I know that it is available and I don't have to worry about the back to back move.

I had to run a bunch of errands before work today to stop my mail from being forwarded and cancel the hydro. I still have to change my address and contact Cogeco since I am not taking the apartment here. I'll likely have to pay the moving fee twice but that's life. Not much I can do about that. Still have to cancel my Telus account as well but I am a little hesitant about that since the buzzer code is going to that phone. Not that I want to be paying for 2 cell phones... so I'll likely get rid of that this weekend. It's on my list of things to do.

Things at work are still going good. I'm back in the groove and feeling good about it. Been a long time since I felt that way. I don't feel stressed going into work. I notice the difference, especially when on calls. I used to dread phone time and tried to get out of it. It was like I did a 180 when I had to take calls. I was great with the agents but the thought of actually taking calls just filled me with dread. Now I am okay with it. Not focusing on my stats nearly as much and just relaxing.

Today I was reminded of friendships and supportive people. I already had a few people offer to give me a ride if I am on the same schedule. It made my day. I was concerned about how I was going to get to work, especially when on day shifts. I had mentioned having a housewarming when I move in and a few people are excited about the idea. I'm not used to being social. I used to go out all the time but really haven't done that as of late. I was so used to my own little world. I go to work and then go home and don't do much else. So it's nice that people want to get together when I move. I'm looking forward to moving, getting away from here, and changes. I'm going to invite the team over once I am settled in. I'm still pretty new on the team so I think it's a great way to get to know them... outside of work... Plus it's a chance to be social again.

And now it's about time I head off to bed. More errands to run before work tomorrow... and a chiropractor appointment. 8 hours of sleep would be nice.

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