Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Right now I have a bit of a dilemma. My appointment with the hematologist is at 9:00 a.m. next Friday in Scarborough. So as it stands now I would be working until 9:30 the night before and then would have to get up at 6 in the morning to make it there on time. Then come back and work my shift. Something tells me that is not a good option. The alternative is to drive up there the night before so I can get some sleep and not be really bitter by the time I make it to work. There are 2 problems with this thought though. Hotels are not cheap and I'm not sure I have the money to spend on it. The other problem is that I do not want to be sharing a room with SS overnight. Believe me... that is not appealing. Decisions, decisions... It would make life easier to drive up there the night before but it's about $150... and then there is SS. So unless I can find another ride, in which case it's a no-brainer.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea.. going to check into that tonight. It would make my life so much easier and my team manager won't have to worry about me killing someone when I get to work.
