Friday, June 16, 2006

Happy Friday

Since Christie likes to say "Happy Friday" I thought it was appropriate. I got to work on time. I was really tired and the calls were getting to me. But after 2 hours I was onto my coaching time. I didn't have a whole lot to do so I was finding things to do. Skip ahead to my lunch. My cell phone goes off. I listen to the message and it's the doctors office. They wanted to tell me about the appointment with the hematologist. So I emailed Steve and then talked to him. His response has something to do with going bankrupt. I'm not sure what kind of response he was expecting on that one... It's not like I am better off at the moment. And what he doesn't know... is that he actually owes me $110... not the other way around. So I ignore that comment. I figured I should remind him that I have the appointment on Monday since I was off for three days and wouldn't be talking to him. He sent back a pretty nasty response about the fact I wouldn't be talking to him... and that I didn't show any sympathy to his financial state. It almost became a war right there. I was already stressed and I didn't need a fight about that since I knew it would get ugly. He would talk about paying rent and helping me out... and my response would be "Maybe I could've found a roommate had you not moved in". And I knew I would end up telling him he owes me money and it would cause even more tension. And maybe he should sell off all the shit he doesn't need so he can save the money from the three storage units. So, do I feel sorry for him? Not really... I wrote back and said I didn't know what to say, especially since I am not doing well financially myself. He also asked if I found out about my blood work. The hematologist appointment automatically told me what the results were. Came back low again. And he said something about how I'd think of something to say (in regards to his finances) and that he didn't expect me to pay him anything. I don't expect to either... since my debt has more then been wiped out. I really don't need an email war right now. I was already feeling stressed as it was. I had to actually walk away from my computer.

But getting away from my computer wasn't entirely bad. I went over and spent some time bonding with my agents. We were sharing stories and joking around. I'm sure a few of the comments might have been HR quality but any ways... I really needed that. It was the first time I'd been smiling in a while. Then I was joking around with Pat on the way home. It was a nice way to end the week... aside from the hematologist any ways... but I knew that was coming. So "Happy Friday" everyone!!! :o)

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