Sunday, June 25, 2006


Today was one of those days... I'm not sure if it was because I was finishing up a six day stretch and was just really tired... I really haven't been sleeping well. But I was really irritated by the end of the day. Of course, starting the morning at 8:30 with Steve here thinking I was on a day shift really set the tone for the day and the bad mood continued. I'm thinking it was just because it was long stretch at work. There were a few times I just wanted to be left alone so that I could get my work done... Instead I always have people asking questions or stopping to talk. And then there were the calls. I just wanted to go home. The hour and a half call really did not help. It was either being back on night shifts or the end of the long stretch. By the time my shift ended today I was normally relaxing on the couch. But then I was also able to sleep in today. I've been home for a little over an hour and I am still annoyed.

Thoughts of the errands I have to run tomorrow don't make it any easier. I have to call the student loan center and fight with them again. I hate dealing with them and the bank. That thought always puts me in a bad mood. Then I have to get them to either fax the forms to work for me or send them again. Sigh. Plus I have to go pick up the mail again. That's always a pain. Then I have to go to UPS and pick up a package. Oh yeah and the bank. I hate errands... and more importantly... I hate dealing with my student loan.

The only good news is that I have the next two days off and am going to try and rest. Easier said then done since all I want to do is hide from the world and not see anyone. No errands... just watching TV and trying to reduce the amount of stress in my life so that when I go back to work I am not still feeling frustrated and stressed out.

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