Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Is No News Always Good News?

I got to thinking yesterday that there might be a reason the doctor's office hasn't called. When I called them they said "No news is good news" but that may not be true. There are three possibilities at this point.

  1. The test results came back and everything is fine
  2. The test results have not come back
  3. The test results came back but since they are referring me to a hematologist they are just not telling me the results were low
Since it's been 3 weeks now I am pretty sure the test results are back. If the blood work did come back fine then I would really like to know why I am so tired all the time. I would put my money on the last answer. When I was at the doctors he said he would likely be referring me to a hematologist and he assumed the results were going to show the same thing this time around as well. They had already repeated the blood work and both times showed the white blood cell count and the platelet count to be low. So yes it is entirely possible that as far as blood work goes I am normal (since we all know I am not actually normal) but I am thinking I'll be hearing from the hematologist.

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