Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Odd Question

So today I got to thinking... always a scary thing... *lol* since the fire was in the back of the building and the back entrance is currently sealed off how am I going to get my mail? Not only was the recycling in the back but so were the mailboxes. Now the bills I am not so concerned about... although I do seem to be missing a few bills already with all the address changes. But I am expecting a package soon from Amazon. I'm not sure why I have an obsession with mail. I think it's just the ritualistic nature. When I was younger I would get the mail on my way home from school. And now I check the mail on my way home from work. It's a habit. Almost always it's just another bill but every once in a while it's something worthwhile, like my monthly copy of Maxim. Which reminds me I really need to ask Joe for this month's copy. I forgot to change my address with them. Yes I know that was a really bad habit. But it does look like it might be a while before I am actually receiving mail.

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