Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Open & Honest

I got to thinking yesterday about whether or not honesty really involves being open. There is the old saying about being "Open and Honest" But now... there is the internet. Are we still being open and honest? I would have to say no... On one level, yes I can be more open about things that are going on in my life. For example, how many people found out about my medical issues from here instead of from me? Or the fact that my apartment was on fire? But I can still hide behind a wall of anonymity. Yes, people I know have access to the page but I don't really have to think about that fact. I can still maintain the issues I have with trust by hiding. I don't have to see their reaction, and likewise they don't have to see mine. The eyes are the window to the soul... and in being honest that is the part I have the most trouble with. Or maybe it's the fear of emotions. I've spent almost my entire life believing I had to be strong and not feel anything. People still call me cold as ice... So are we any more open with the advent of the internet and personal blogs? Or do we interact less and are using the internet as a shield instead?

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