Sunday, June 11, 2006


The biggest proponent for an equal society would have to be socialists. According to Marx, socialism is the transition between capitalism and communism. One of Marx' famous quotes is "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs". If that's not equality I don't know what is.

According to

"For Marxists, socialism is a transitional phase between the exploitative capitalist system of private property of the means of production, and the classless society of communism, where there is no longer a state in the proper sense of the word, no compulsion to work, no national borders, etc.

Under capitalism, society is governed by a handful of rich elites who exploit the working class in order to extract profits. They are not concerned with what or how they produce commodities, as long as these bring them a profit. They have developed the state - bodies of armed men; the laws, courts, prisons, military, police - in order to preserve their privileged position. Under communism, the whole of society will be the "owners" of the means of production, and will produce in the interests of all people in harmony with the environment. But between these two phases of human social development lies the transitional period of socialism."

We can all conjure up images of Communist countries, like Russia was, and China, among others. When we compare them to our own societies they aren't as appealing. But that is a far cry from the communist society that Marx had envisioned. Marx felt that individualism would flourish. Socialism would be a place without borders or frontiers. The economy would be strong and all of our needs would be met. Doesn't sound bad at all... except maybe for the rich upper class in our society. But it is also a utopian ideal.

But obviously for someone that follows Marx and believes in socialism then the goal should be equality for all and they would also argue that inequalities are a product of a capitalist society.


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