Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Time for a Good Laugh

Maybe it's just me but I am quite entertained by this... and it's not like I just came across one page with this information.

Things Not to Do When You Have a Low Platelet Count

  • Avoid activities that increase your risk of bleeding when you have low blood platlet count:
    • Contact sports
    • Amusement park rides that involve fast or quick motion.
    • Strenuous exercise.
    • Avoid or limit the use of sharp objects such as knives, razors.
    • Hold pressure on any cut or scrape for at least 5 minutes.
So now that I have a reason to be absolutely lazy. As for the contact sports overall no problems there. Back to being lazy. I could say something... but I am better off leaving that one alone. No Canada's Wonderland for me. But, the one that gets me, is avoiding or limiting the use of sharp objects. What do you want me to do, make sure I eat finger food? I guess people can rest easier knowing I won't be intentionally cutting myself. I realize that these guidelines (there were others... but they weren't as interesting) are for people with an extremely low platelet count. But I get a good laugh every time I read the part that says I should avoid knives.

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