Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Christie's Vacation

My team manager went on vacation recently. Well, it really wasn't a vacation since she was in the hospital having surgery. Just before she came back Pat and I got the bright idea to decorate her desk. Rachel had left all her bridal magazines when she left the company... so we got to work posting pictures on bristol board. In the end we covered the inside of her desk. Even had a couple made out of CocaCola boxes with pictures on them... and of course the wedding rings. Plus there was the message, "Will you marry me?" We scared one of the new team managers who was going on vacation right afterwards. It was just something fun to do and we wanted to make her smile when she came back. One guy jokingly called us evil and said we were going to split her and Ben up. By the time Ben actually saw it we were off and no one knew who did it. So Christie got the heads up before she came in... ruined some of the surprise... but she still had a good laugh and had no idea who did it, until I 'fessed up any ways. I thought she would've figured it out. It was a lot of fun although payback just might be a bitch since I'm currently on vacation.

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