Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I think I might've learned my lesson in taking in strays... well okay I can still take in cats... although Azrael would have an issue with it. It is far more trouble then it's worth. Tristan is now gone. He was using my computer and saw the search I did on kicking out a roommate. Saved me from having to confront him. Left me a note saying that he was finding another place to live and would come back with groceries. Well that hasn't materialized but neither has he. Peace and quiet for my vacation. I'd really like to be repaid though... my fridge looks pretty empty at the moment and I can't afford to replenish them. Fortunately, I had gone grocery shopping just before he moved in so I still have food to eat but he cost me about $100 in one week. I guess I'll have to just cut my losses and enjoy the fact that he is gone.

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