Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Weird Dream

I had a weird dream the other night. It was actually reminisent of the movie Saw... with the elaborate traps and everything. Don't worry I wasn't having any homicidal thoughts, even in my unconscious. Saw was a morality tale, albeit a fucked up morality tale. Saw II kind of strayed from the original roots... since it was basically just a test for the detective but involved killing off other innocent (or not so innocent) people. It's about life choices and appreciating life, rather then wasting it. Now these were extreme examples: the adulterer, the pyromaniac, the voyeur, etc. but they all had the same choice. How far would they go to survive? My dream was a slightly different spin on that. Well it was still about appreciating life rather then letting it pass you by. The point of the dream was to live for today. Stop worrying about tomorrow since it isn't here yet. But also to stop living in the past. You can't change what happened. Carpe diem!

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