Monday, August 14, 2006

Neverending Saga of the Student Loan

So today I finally went down and picked up my mail. You would think that after 3 weeks I would have bills but the only mail was from the student loan center. Normally I would cheer that there weren't any bills. But I know they still want their money.

Back to my battle with the student loan center. First they sent me a notice indicating that I was 2 months behind and owed them money. They told me the interest relief had been conditionally approved and as a result I did not owe them anything. Well that notice was from August 4th. According to that I owe $580. I am not sure where they got that figure from. I suspect, and this relates to the other notice I received, that they screwed up my loan payment. A long time ago I requested that my loan amount be reduced since I did not think I qualified for the loan forgiveness. They sent me the form to sign but I never did sign it. I kept the original payment amount and applied for interest relief instead. The other notice that I got was that I made too much money to qualify for interest relief. In June I did get my incentive from work so I did make too much money. Had I actually got the forms when I was supposed to my incentive would have been left off. It was the only month I made too much.

So now I have to continue fighting them over interest relief. And, of course, it's a bureacracy so now that I owe thm money they basically won't discuss anything until that is paid. It doesn't matter if they made a mistake... The loan has to be in good standing to qualify for interest relief. I have to call them tomorrow to try and sort it out. I didn't get a chance to do it today. But I am so sick of fighting them. I need to make more money so it's not a concern. I'd like to be able to start paying it back, especially since it will be in repayment for 9 years.

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