Saturday, August 19, 2006


I've had swollen lymph nodes for months now... I am so used to waking up congested in the morning. Underneath my jaw the lymph node seems to be tender after that fateful trip to the dentist. Frequently the lymph nodes in the armpit will also swell. Normally it will just be one side and goes away after a few weeks... Not this time. I first noticed it about 6 months ago... and after they told me the white blood cell count was low then I just shrugged it off... Then they said that was only slightly low and were not concerned about it. But the lymph nodes on both sides are still swollen and are not getting any better. I'm not sure if it's related to walking home and carrying the MacBook Pro... possibly pulling on my arm... but now I can't raise my left arm without pain. If I press on one of the lymph nodes it causes pain... I would just go to the doctor except that he is in Pickering. If it's still as painful tomorrow and I have limited mobility then I just might be making a new trip to the ER. It's obviously not going away on it's own and is now getting worse. The congestion... swollen lymph nodes... and fatigue may even be related. But if I just continue suffering in the hopes it will get better I'll never know.

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