Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Student Loans Continued

Have I mentioned yet just how much I hate student loans??? It's an ongoing drama... I finally called them today. Now I have to call back tomorrow and appeal the decision. But as for June I am screwed because of my incentive... The company bonus for doing my job meant I made too much money that month and there is nothing I can do. Now... had they sent my forms when they were supposed to I wouldn't have been documenting that income in the first place. But now I have to spend more of my time fighting with them...

Then there was the question of how much I owed them... The notification they sent indicated that I owed them $580. I was kind of wondering where they got that number from. The terms I agreed to were paying $383.64/month. A long time ago I requested that my loan payments be reduced and then decided not to go that route since I qualified for interest relief by not reducing it. So I did not sign the forms. But apparently the payment I made (that was not reduced by the way) indicated that I accepted the terms... so ever since they have had it set to a lower amount. Took a lot to get it increased back to the original amount... and now if my appeal for interest relief is declined I owe even more money... Then I can reapply for interest relief again.

So I really am between a rock and a hard place. I have to fight them to get the interest relief for July and failing that can't just reapply. I have to make sure I get what I owe paid off first. I've already been struggling to pay bills this month because of the Royal Bank taking out the loan payments for 2 months... plus I have to make sure I have enough to pay the student loan center... And that's just to get up to date... I've got nothing for September.... And of course if I do have to make these payments then I will be behind on all my bills...

I'm also going to have to call the Royal Bank and get them to hold off on my next payment while I wait for the student loans center... They're usually pretty good about it at least.

The only good news is that I might be able to appeal for July... Then I'd only have to $320 to the student loans center (instead of $640) and would get back $220 that I paid to the Royal Bank. So I am praying that they will give me the appeal... The other good news is that September is a 3 pay month... so I will hopefully be able to get back on track as long as I qualify for interest relief effective immediately.

I am starting to wonder if university was even a worthwhile venture. I know it was... but dealing with the loans is such a nightmare. C'mon... I make $2200 gross (about $1600 net) and they seem to think I can pay off $603 a month. Give me a break. And there is no leniency. Every six months I begin a new fight with the student loans center. It would be nice if I could apply online,... or something. Since it's not always convenient for me to call. And it's not like I get the forms, or notifications quickly. I am still not receiving mail here, although that should be changing in the next week. In the last month I have not received any of my credit card bills... or my cable bill. And while I don't mind not paying them I do find that kind of odd.

Either way I guess there is no end in sight for this saga... I've lost track of how many times I have had to call and try and get the interest relief approved. And I can't believe that they did reduce my payments without my authorization... If I'm not mistaken I paid them and then called to request the payments be reduced... Guess it really is part of the government... *Sigh* Can't this process ever go smoothly?

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