Saturday, September 16, 2006

$74 < $300

In spite of the fact I just got paid yesterday I now have $74 in my bank account. This time it was the Royal Bank taking money out of my account. It's very discouraging going into work knowing that no matter how hard you work you still won't make enough money. And each day I just get further and further behind. Like right now I need $300 just to pay bills to the end of the month, not including groceries. Kind of hard to do when you have $74 in the bank account. And my next pay cheque will just barely cover rent. I'm no long optomistic about interest relief kicking in after it has been such a long drawn out battle. It's extremely stressful when you work full time but are not making ends meet. It's all I can think about. I feel like my back is against the wall and I have no way out. I can actually understand why people turn to gambling and become addicted to it. Not that I am going to gamble away the little money I have left... but I can see the appeal. I'm not making ends meet as it is... so why not try and win more money somehow. It's a longshot but things aren't working as it is. Dad said maybe I should look for another job, one that pays more. The problem is that I live in Peterborough. I make $13.95/hour. Here that is a respectable wage... I make close to $30,000 a year (or at least would've had it not been for the LOA). It's the cost of living here in Peterborough that's an issue. So I am destined to live from pay cheque to pay cheque with no refuge in sight... barring a promotion any ways.

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