Saturday, September 23, 2006

Bankrupcy in 5-4-3-2-1

As you can tell things have not changed in my world. I am no longer optimistic about my fight with interest relief. The best thing I think I can hope for is that I can reapply for interest relief and not have to pay for 6 months. But that won't help me pay the outstanding bills or recover the money that it's already cost me. I get paid again on Fridy but virtually all of it has to go towards rent so I don't get evicted. If my loan hasn't been strightened out by then I think that will be rock bottom, financially at least. By that point I'll be $300 behind in bill payments and the next set of bills will be on the horizon.

As you can imagine I am a little stressed right now about that. There is still a ray of hope that my interest relief will be approved but that ray is rapidly dimming. I don't want to get my hopes up again just to have them come crashing down. After all they denied me and then denied the appeal.

It's also aggravating that they do not take into consideration living expenses. I don't have $600 a month to spend on my student loan. It's not that I don't want to pay it off... I just can't. I already spend almost half of my income (after deductions) on rent. I don't have money to have a life... or buy clothes. I haven't even had money to buy groceries in 3 weeks. Yet I supposedly make too much money to qualify for interest relief.

Back in July I applied for the team leader position but that was a short lived thought. Right about now I am definitely wishing that I had been put forward and at least got the interview. Well okay, I'd really like to have gotten the promotion and the pay increase that would go with it. Had it not been for dad's help I would be even further behind... well basically I would've gone under by now. Dad suggested I either look for a job that pays more or get a rish boyfriend. If I wanted either I firmly believe I would have to move out of Peterborough. I could move to TO and apply for the Apple Retail Store. Sad when retail is a pay increase. But I don't want to. I want to keep working here. In spite of everything that has happened during my time there I still believe in the company and do see the potential. It could be a great place to work. But pretty soon I may not have a choice. I have to make ends meet. *Sigh*

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