Sunday, October 08, 2006

Company Pool

Now I am sure a few people saw the title and think that they would love to work for a company that has a pool... Come to think of it that would be really nice.... not just a discount on a fitness plan... but an actual membership. Any ways... I was actually thinking today about a comment a former manager made. We were at an "off site" meeting (AKA a meeting at Kelsey's on the companys dime... complete with alcohol... might be related to the reason they are no longer a manager) when the manager said, "Don't swim in the company pool." What she was referring to was dating co-workers. I'm not sure why I was even thinking about that today. But it was reminding me of the six degrees of separation. There are way too many associations around that place. Now if you just went with team leaders and team changes then it would be way too easy. But if you look at relationships (or one night stands for that matter) it's still pretty scary. I remember when I started there and my mentor said that the average was to be with 3 co-workers. The company has grown since then... Obviously some people are married or were in relationships before they started working here... but then there are others that have more then met the average. Sometimes it really feels like high school. Maybe I can recapture my youth *lol* Maybe tomorrow when I am on calls I'll start connecting the dots and play the Six Degrees of Minacs Game.... Things you do when you're bored.

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