Monday, October 23, 2006

False Hope

I got a letter in the mail today about my student loan. Since I did not sign the revision of terms (And how many times have I said that now?) they are reassessing my application for interest relief from July. No apology or anything useful... just a statement that they are reassessing it. And if it is not approved then I will still have an outstanding payment. But now I am back to limbo as well. I have decided I would rather have no hope at all then false hope. Don't get my hopes up just to destroy them. That letter just added to my frustration over the whole thing. I had given up on getting that approved and was trying to reapply. Now it seems like everything is on hold. And the more I fight it the more I end up behind. It's a lose/lose situation. I can't posily win. Don't give me hope... just give me an answer.

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