Sunday, October 15, 2006

Never Enough to Go Around

I got paid on Friday and was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. I was supposed to receive a letter in the mail about my student loan this week and never did. So I am still a little stressed about that. But I was able to get caught up on my bills. So Friday was a good day. But there is never enough to go around. The tax man liked my pay cheque as well. I got 65% of my gross pay. It would have been 80% if not for my pension plan. So, like always, there are always more things I would like to spend my money on then actual money. But I think that is the way it goes for everyone... unless they have a virtually limitless supply of cash. I'm just happy the bills are caught up now... and hopefully my interest relief finally gets approved... It's only been a fight since May. I'm hoping I find out in the next couple of days so that I can finally put it to rest.. for a few months any ways. I'd also really like them to stop taking money out of my account. That would be nice. The good news is that as long as my interest relief has gone through then I am back on track... and can stop talking how broke I am and how I can't pay bills.

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