Tuesday, October 17, 2006

So It Begins Again

Just when you think you just might be getting ahead... I finally had my bills caught up, except one but that was an oversight. And then the Royal Bank got ahold of my account. I applied for interest relief towards the end of September. Someone want to explain why it takes so long for that to be decided? I called the student loan center yet again and they just got the information from the Royal Bank. I was told to call back on Friday to find out if it had been approved. Assuming that it is (And after fighting them for 5 months I'm not assuming anything) then it will take another 3 weeks to get the money back from the bank. I'd like to say that then I have 6 months of peace and quiet. But since it takes so long for them to decide it's more like 4 months. No wonder my stress level is so high. Ever since I had to start applying for interest relief it has been an ongoing struggle and it's always in the back of my mind. And until I get my interest relief approved I am now behind the 8 ball again. Upcoming bill payments and no money to pay them with. I just cannot seem to get anything started. It's like rubbing 2 sticks together and trying to start a fire. I could put in some OT again this week but I really don't want to. It takes such a toll on you. Is this ever going to end?

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