Sunday, October 22, 2006

Tears of Frustration

I think everything is catching up with me. When it rains it pours and it has just been one thing after another. Everyone has a breaking point where they just can't take any more. My issues with the cable are relatively minor but when you add that to everything else that has been going on it just compounds the frustration.

Issues at work are a little more serious. Let's recap how it works... My team has 24 agents currently. Normally there are 2 performance coaches on a team. We do the call evaluations (one per agent per week), answer questions, training sessions, team meetings, trend analyses, etc. Translation: We do a lot of work. Oh and we also take calls for 3 hours a day. So with only one person doing that job it is extremely difficult. My team manager sent out an email telling the agents not to ask me questions.. but that doesn't seem to stop some of them. Some agents are really good at making my job easy.... and others are a pain in the ass. I don't have time to baby sit them. So if I am there the entire week and work extremely hard I somehow manage to get it done. After all I asked for help and didn't get it. I was on vacation at the beginning of this week. And I told the quality manager the issues I was having. She called an emergency meeting to discuss things... since the teams are not all the same. Some have a much smaller number. Everyone agreed that they would help out. I went on vacation and when I came back only one of my agents had been listened to. Two agents had been missed for the week, which quickly turned into three. I just about lost it when I came back into work. They told me the work would be done... that I didn't have anything to worry about. My agents knew no one had filled in. It did not demonstrate teamwork very well. In total 4 evaluations were not done this week. As a team that means our mandate was not met. Now we get a pass since I did everything possible to get it covered and it didn't get done. But overall it's not me that gets penalized. It's the agents. This is their time for coaching. It is when we listen to the calls that we might notice trends and be able to give pointers. It's also a chance to let them know what they're doing well. This week witll be more of the same. I'm just going under the assumption that I am doing it all myself and am planning the week accordingly. It's going to be difficult since I have meetings on 2 of those days but I'll do whatever I need to in order to get things done.

The big one is obviously my student loan. I was just going to say finances... but it was not for my student loan and my ongoing battle with the national student loan center financially I would be okay. Since it has taken so long for them to make a decision the Royal Bank took out my payment. As a result I am about to bounce a $25 payment... which will end up costing me $75. With $6 in my bank account there is nothing I can do about it. But it is definitely frustrating. Had they not taken the payment I would've ben fine. Their inefficiencies and incompetencies just keeps costing me more and more money unecessarily. Plus this week I have a chiropractor appointment and don't have the money to pay for it. So I got caught up on bills only to be put back into the red. Is it ever going to end? After 5 months of fighting the student loan center I am not sure how much more I can take. I feel like I am backed into a corner with no way out. Talk about frustration.

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