Thursday, November 02, 2006

Back to the Starvation Diet

I seem to be back to the starvation diet. Feel free to lecture me. It's not like I don't know better. I'm still eating 2 meals a day... I'm just skipping lunch when at work. I'm really busy and have so much that I am trying to accomplish. I think I am still in overload mode from trying to do everything myself. I just havent recovered. Then there is also the stress level. I have been battling with the student loan center for almost 6 months now and every time I think I just about have everything sorted out I get screwed over again. I know it's taking a toll on me. And, as far as that goes, I really am at my wits end. I've got no way out. And then they even caused me to bounce the rent payment. Even if they do put my interest relief through I'll only be three months from applying again. So it's not like there is an end in sight. I'll just be starting this battle all over again. And facing the reality that pretty soon I will have used up all of the interest relief and will have no choice but to either pay the loan or be in default. So I am definitely stressed out at the moment. And the last reason is the pain in my teeth. I am in agony right now. I already know that I have to get a pin put in the tooth. But I can't afford to go in and get it fixed. With the pain I don't even want to open my jaw. I just hope that it doesn't get to the point of infection. I guess there is one more big reason. I have no money... so I can't afford to even buy groceries. Tough place to be all the way around. I could really go with some good news right about now.

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