Saturday, November 11, 2006


As everyone knows I have been extremely close to bankruptcy for quite some time now. Somehow I have managed to just keep going and haven't even had any bills go to collections yet. *Knock on wood* I'd like to keep it that way. It's been pretty stressful. Most people have been pretty understanding and have been sympathetic to the hell the Student Loan Center has put me through. Steve has been the exception to that. He shows no understanding and always turns it around to be about him. He was whining at one point that he would be filing for bankruptcy before me. I found out recently that he is paying $1200 a month in storage fees. Maybe it's just me but that seems a little excessive. We're talking $14,400 a year. He doesn't pay rent since he lives with his mother. But with that money he could be renting a house, investing in the future, replace his van, etc. I refuse to have sympathy for someone that could very easily turn things around by getting rid of the useless shit that he has. If I had the $1200 a month I'd be able to pay rent and would almost have enough to cover my student loan. Now Steve was talking about loan consolidation with the bank. What I found interesting is that he said he has consolidated them before. Seems to me he is missing the point if he constantly needs to get bailed out... especially since he lives at home. At his age you would think that he had learned responsibility and would've just got rid of some stuff to reduce his payments. Right now I don't even like talking to him. He's doing a good job at pushing all my buttons and getting me angry.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:17 p.m.

    Many people are facing the possibility of filing for bankruptcy. Sadly, many people who are in this position have been given bad or poorly explained credit advice and are wondering if there are any other alternatives to going down the bankruptcy road. There are options available to keep your good name and pay your debts.

    I want to share this article I read, Just Say No To Filing Bankruptcy, it is about the things you should know before filing bankruptcy

    Hope this resource be useful to your blog and your readers.
