Monday, November 20, 2006


Back in September I ordered the UFC PPV event... might be the last UFC PPV event I order. There's nothing wrong with them... but I can't afford to be spending $50 a month on them. It would be one thing if they were every couple of months or so. Any ways... that was a mini-tangent. At the same time I was having issue with my digital cable and they had to send someone out. The image was pixelated and barely watchable. I called within 10 minutes of the even starting because of it and they said they were going to credit the account. They never did. I got billed for it. So today I called about that. They refused to give me the money back claiming there was no notice on the account and no information about that call. So... because they don't document it I am out $50? Nice... how's that for customer service. Good thing I watched the event then since I had to pay for it. Kind of frustrating...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:37 a.m.

    They charge $50 cause most people have between 5-10 friends over to watch it, and everyone splits on it. Get friends, homo.
