Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Landlord - Tenants Act

I am really beginning to wonder what my superintendant does all day. I have lived here since May 1. Pretty soon that will be 7 months. When I first moved in the heat was 90 degrees. I went down to complain and they said there were a few apartments having heat issues and left it at that. A month later they turned off the heat to the entire building. it was their way of not dealing with it. took them 2 months to deal with any of the other issues. Shortly after I moved in I had to get an air conditioner from Steve and it has been running ever since. Needless to say air conditioners are not meant to run for extended periods of time like this. So now the air conditioner is dying. It is the end of November now... About a month and a half ago they replaced the thermostat but that wasn't the problem. A week and a half ago they came in and told me it would be 1/2 hour of work... Nope... then they brought in a plumber. I had to move one of my bookshelves and I am pretty sure it was off the wrong wall. Came home... still hadn't been fixed. Right now with the air conditioner on full and the balcony door open it is still close to 80 degrees. The air is also really dry so I end up being super congested and dehydrated. It's brutal. So now it's also affecting my health and that's not a good thing. Plus I need a humidifier and I need to replace the air conditioner. So it's getting expensive for me. You would think that they would want to fix it since they are paying to heat the apartment and for the electricity to run the air conditioner. I guess not. They are about to get another nice letter from me about not fixing it and this will be the 5th time I have had to request that something be done. It will be the last letter they receive. Failing this I will be cosnsulting a lawyer and more then likely taking it to the tribunal. As a tenant I have a right to speedy repairs and this has been anything but. Hopefully it doesn't come to that... but I'm tired of being a doormat and paying the price. I want what I am entitled to. I want my heating fixed.

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