Sunday, November 26, 2006


Last week I finally decided to take some money out of my RRSPs. It was definitely not an easy decision for many reasons. For one, that money is supposed to be going towards my future. Once you take the money out it also becomes taxable income. But I really didn't feel like I had much of a choice. While I was finally making some headway and was able to start paying bills on time I still wasn't getting ahead at all. The main reason though is the dental work that is becoming more and more important every day. I think the nerve is exposed or something. Either way the pain is increasing and I really need to get it taken care of. As a result of leaving it this long there is a possibility I will not be able to save the tooth. But we'll see. It could've been worse... I couldn't been in this deep and not had any savings to draw on. By December 1 I should have the money and tomorrow am calling the dentist to see when they can fit me in.

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