Monday, December 04, 2006

10 Days + 1

Now that I have the money from my RRSP I finally called the dentist. At the end of last week there was suddenly a great deal of pain. I had a canker sore and cut my tongue on the rough edge of my tooth. I'm not sure if I chipped the tooth or cracked it, or what. Either way it is making me miserable. That much pain is causing me to be in agony. I just want it to stop. I got an appointment in 10 days but that is for the smaller cavity. The other one is for the next day. I could've made one sooner but it would make me late for work. Tomorrow I am going to call them back and see if it is still available. Either I will be making up the time later or will call in sick if necessary. I really need to get this taken care of. I'm not doing anyone any favours by coming into work like this. I'm almost at the point of taking T3s. And that is something I never do. I really don't like the idea of living with this for 11 more days. The only reason it took me this long to get it taken care of was money. I had to wait until at least August before my insurance kicked in again. But then with interest relief and my fight with them I didn't have any money. So now I have the money to get it taken care of. I am also going to see about getting my nightguard replaced. It's going to depend on how much (if any) the insurance will cover and how much is left outstanding. I think I should be okay but we'll see. The other advantage is tax time. If I spend over $700 on medical expenses I can claim it on my taxes. Between the chiropractor, prescriptions and the dentist I will be over that amount. But step one is to get the appointment and get my tooth fixed.

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