Saturday, December 30, 2006

Apartment Repairs

After my visit to the hospital I wrote a nasty letter to the building management. Well okay I was still professional but am really frustrated about the fact they haven't fixed the heat. I threatened to go to the tribunal if they didn't fix it. I dropped it off before work and shortly after I got home the superintendent stopped by. He was commenting on the fact I am never home. I have no life... but I do have a job. Now that might be hard to imagine since this is a ghetto building but still. I used to work as a rental agent. I know that they can call or leave a note on the door to let me know they are coming in to do the repairs. So they told me they were bringing in the plumber on Friday. So the plumber was here.... and in all honesty I am not sure what they did or how they figured it was fixed. Last night I turned the thermostat on full and the temperature didn't change.... Then I turned it all the way down and again it didn't change. So what exactly was fixed? *sigh* Maybe they need to get another plumber.... Will it ever actually be fixed?

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