Saturday, December 16, 2006

Dreams and the Subconscious

They say that dreams are a part of the subconscious.... the deep thoughts no longer contained. Basically dreams are part of Freud's id. They are the unconscious wishes manifested. It has also been said that dreams are the path through which we process information and make sense of things. Your mind takes the building blocks of the day and puts them together.

Most nights I do not remember my dreams. Just darkness. Last night I was dreaming about work. That really isn't a surprise since that is what has been on my mind of late. I don't remember much of the dream... All I really remember is waking up because I was sleeping on my hand and it was completely numb.

I can still remember another dream I had about work. It was back when my desk was at the main door. Someone went postal and started shooting. I could hear the shots from out in the hallway and ended up hiding under my desk. I woke up as they came in the main door and opened fire. It was definitely a dream that will stay with me. I'm guessing I wasn't too happy with work at the time... but that's just a guess. It wasn't me that went postal... so I guess it's actually more likely I felt targeted.

There was another dream I had about a serial killer. I'm thinking I watch too many shows like CSI and Criminal Minds. Whoever the killer was they changed their MO each time to avoid detection and to avoid getting caught. The signature was that each kill was different. But in each instance I was the victim... so I kept dying. The last one was poison which takes time to take effect. I just remember the killer saying that I knew what was going to happen because they had killed me before. Even though it's a dream it's still freaky to know you're going to die and just be waiting for it. The poison had already taken affect and I was just about to die when I woke up.

I think waking up before dying in a dream is a protective measure but it is an urban myth that if you do die in a dream that you really do die. I know Adam can attest to that. Now I don't think it's healthy to die in your dream... and to die and be resurrected... but there is no evidence that your dreams can really kill you.

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