Wednesday, December 27, 2006

My Second Home

Yesterday I went to work and had made the decision that I was heading down to the ER after work. Suzanne called (thanks again for the heart attack) to wish me a Merry Christmas and in 30 minutes I drank 5 glasses of water. Then I almost vomited because I drank too much water. But my lips were still dry and cracked. Nothing I did had any effect. When I woke up yesterday morning my eyes were so dry they hurt. About halfway through the day I was talking myself out of going figuring they were just going to tell me to drink more water. But my boss told me to go... So I did. I spent 4 hours at the ER (which almost seems like my second home... okay maybe my third... work comes in second) last night. They ruled out diabetes which was good news. My white blood cell count is also back to normal. The doctor said "dehydration is all relative" and just thought it was the dry heat. His advice: Drink Gatorade or Powerade because it has a higher sodium content. And if it doesn't improve to check back in with my family doctor. While I was there I spent $5 on water. I drank 1.5 litres just waiting on the doctor. Most people probably don't think that sounds like a lot,... but considering I am only 90 pounds. I shouldn't need a lot of water to stay hydrated. On the average day right now I am drinking 10 glasses of water and 2-3 cans of Coke. I know the Coke isn't good for you... but contrary to popular belief it does not deydrate you. It is a diuretic so I do have to keep that in mind.... So the good news is that I'm not diabetic... the bad news is that I'm not sure how to get to the point where I am actually not feeling dehydrated.

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