Saturday, December 16, 2006

Overworked & Underappreciated

Based on my last post it would be easy to say that I am just angry about the promotion... Which is sort of true. I don't agree with my PDR (the annual review) being held against me but that has been a losing battle since I got it in July. I wanted to fight it then... and every time it has come up since then. But I can accept the fact I need more time and let it go.

What I really have an issue with right now is the combination of the workload and just not feeling like I am appreciated. One of the biggest de-motivators is when you do not feel appreciated. It is frustrating when you start hearing negative comments and no positive ones.

Along with that is the workload. I put in a great deal of my own time so that we meet our mandate. I come in day after day... Aside from my Friday I didn't even have time to take a break or have something to eat. Needless to say that is really taxing. Plus last weekend I was doing work from home. I have been working myself to death. People don't see what a toll it takes. I come home too exhausted to do anything. I've also been sick lately which doesn't help. Combine that with the Fibromyalgia and I'm in rough shape. All I really want is some breathing room at work.... Where I don't feel like I am on the go the entire time. Even more then that I would really like to be able to take a break... that "me" time that I am entitled to. Or not feel like I can't call in sick...

I've been trying to get some face time with my supervisor for about a week now and it hasn't happened. Now it's just going to look like I am whining and bitter about the promotion. It's all about timing. She makes time for everyone else... And I just don't force the issue. Now it might be too late.

Now I think it's about time I get some rest. All my muscles are aching right now... reminding me that I didn't pace myself. Time to throw on a movie... or watch some basketball and focus on something other then work. I am sure Azrael will help with that. Otherwise it's just going to be a viscious circle and I'll be in rough shape quite quickly.

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