Saturday, December 02, 2006

Pet Peeve

One of my pet peeves is people that are not reliable. Maybe this is because I am a control freak. Or maybe it's because if someone asks me to do something they can count on me to get it done. So I expect that in other people. I expect that if they say they are going to do something... or are going to be somewhere that it's going to happen. Maybe I have too much faith in other people. Today Steve was supposed to give me a call since I had errands to run. I got up and then spent most of the day waiting. I wasn't feeling well which didn't help. I didn't want to start anything in case he wanted to go then. After all I was depending on him. He didn't call until after 6:00. By the time I got the errands done I didn't have time to do anything else. So most of my day ended up being wasted and I am back to work tomorrow. I had a lot that I wanted to get done... but now it's going to have to wait. Some people...

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