Monday, January 08, 2007

Adoption Disclosure Registry

After playing phone tag with Linda from the Ministry of Community and Social Services I finally got to speak to her today. She was quick to point out that she was from the Adoption Disclosure unit which I already knew. Apparently they found my mother and wanted to confirm some information with me. They actually found her some time ago so the whole thing has been in limbo. They needed to make sure I didn't want to add any additional information in their letter to her. I guess I filled out a survey back in 2003 when they began the search. I don't remember it. So she read off what I had written. Looks good... told her to go ahead with it. She said the contact would be in the next couple of months. I'm not sure how to feel at the moment. On one hand I kind of feel for my biological mother... She is about to get a letter (at least I assume it's a letter) out of the blue. Nothing like being reminded of the child you had 28 years ago. For so long my identity has basically been a big question mark with lots of unknowns. Who am I? What were my parents like? I feel like I am so close... yet still so far away. I may come out of this knowing nothing at all... or I may learn a great deal. It's also reminiscent of Pandora's box. I have no idea what to expect or what truths there are. I do know that it's not a fairytale and am not expecting it to be perfect. The most important thing for me is that I finally get to do what I have said all along. I get the opportunity to say thank you for giving me up, for trying to give me a better life and thinking of my needs first. If that is all that happens I am okay with that.

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