Monday, January 01, 2007

Christmas Presents

Just wanted to put up some pictures of the Christmas presents I received from Christie. With the candle I was given instructions to try not to burn the apartment down. And John told me if I do... then I should at least take Azrael with me *lol*. The dolphin is part of a book bracelet. It adds some variety instead of the traditional bookmark. I almost feel like I should get a matching anklet.... or at least one that is similar.

I don't have pictures of the other presents but mom gave me some socks, cloths, and gift certificates for Sobeys/IGA/Price Chopper. Definitely helpful since it meant my groceries were covered for this week... or at least almost covered. Mom also paid for lunch the other day. From Suzanne and Dave I also got a book on Einstein in his own words. It's pretty cool. I really like quotes.

Presents aren't the be-all and end all... It was actually just nice to be able to spend time with my family and friends over the holiday season. I don't do that often enough... Almost wish I had my full license and a car so I could visit people more often, especially Suzanne and Dave since they actually live out of town. Maybe one of these days. :o)

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