Tuesday, January 23, 2007

More Apartment Woes

Okay so the heat still has not been fixed... It sort of works. It's really inconsistent. I have to keep adjusting the temperature. I crank the heat so that it gets warm and then have to turn it back down because it gets too hot. The thermostat definitely does not match the actual temperature in the apartment. It's real pain. At one point there was even ice forming on the inside of the window. The humidity level is also really low if I don't have the humidifier running. Fortunately it takes a while before the humidifier runs out.

If that wasn't enough I got a letter in the mail stating that I owe them money. WTF? I always pay my rent on time. I drop it off a few days early, usually on my way to work. The last time I didn't pay my rent on time it wasn't because I didn't pay it on time... They tried to cash the cheque early and it bounced as a result. So I ended up paying the full price for rent that month (there is a bonus for paying rent on time). Then my superintendent called to tell me they made a mistake and I should take it off the next month's rent. So I did. And now they are telling me I owe them $30.... which I know I don't. My only problem is that I can't prove what day I actually paid my rent. I was avoiding the superintendent since I don't want to deal with them so I don't have the rent receipts and the rent cheque was alwys dated for the first. So I have no way to prove what day I actually paid the rent.

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