Sunday, February 18, 2007

Calling in Sick

So yesterday I called in sick... Not really surprising since I slept for 13 hours and felt really sick. Work called around 12:30. It has now become policy to call and ask how you're doing. So the message was something like this, "Hi, Heather this is _____ calling from work. Just calling to see how you were feeling. If you want to give me a call and let me know how you are doing. And if you do want to come into work feel free..." Back when I had the flu a couple of years ago I had been off work for a few days and my team leader called to see how I was doing and when I was coming back. That was appreciated. When it becomes policy (and you get calls from random managers, like yesterday) it seems forced and loses the personal appeal. It's no longer genuine and also seems to be more like harassment. I know that some people have a habit of calling in sick but I'm not one of them. And no you can't guilt trip me into coming into work. Unless I have been off work for a couple of days don't call me. After all you are not concerned about my well-being but are trying to get me to come into work.

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